Revealed: The UK cities endorsing e-cigarettes as 1 person switches to vaping every 4 minutes

NEW DATA reveals the e-cigarette business is alight across major cities in the UK; in the wake of a recent report from the Office of National Statistics that claims 56.7% of smokers across Great Britain made the decision to quit smoking traditional cigarettes in 2015 – the highest proportion of quitters recorded since 1974.

British online retailer decided to delve further to identify just how many cities have openly embraced the e-cigarette industry. In analysing data collated by counting the number of e-cigarette outlets within a 2-mile radius of each city, Vapourlites found the Scottish capital of Edinburgh to lead the way, with a total of 17 vape stores. London and Birmingham were not far behind, with 10 apiece. In fact, out of 68 cities analysed – just 13 were found to buck the trend.
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